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Point camera at the QR code on your paper certificate and open the suggested link in your browser.

Your digital certificate appears in browser. To save it to your mobile wallet, tap to ADD TO YOURWALLET.

If you haven't downloaded YourWallet yet, you will be redirected to Google Play Store.

Don't forget to confirm it by tapping the button ADD TO WALLET.

Your digital certificate is saved in YourWallet. By tapping the three dots, you may turn it and access the back with more details.

If you have a paper certificate, tap to SCAN QR and allow the browser to use your camera. Continue to the step 3B.
If you have an electronic certificate, tap to UPLOAD PDF/JPEG/PNG and choose from where you would like to upload your certificate.

Read and accept our Privacy Policy. Click the button CONTINUE.
Open this page on your mobile phone and click the button CREATE YOURS to start creating your digital pass.

Your digital certificate appears in browser. To save it to your mobile wallet, tap to ADD.

Your digital certificate is saved in Wallet. By tapping the three dots, you may turn it and access the back with more details.
Open this page on your mobile phone and click the button CREATE YOURS to start creating your digital pass.
Read and accept our Privacy Policy. Click the button CONTINUE.
If you have a paper certificate, tap to SCAN QR and allow the browser to use your camera. Continue to the step 3B.
If you have an electronic certificate, tap to UPLOAD PDF/JPEG/PNG and choose from where you would like to upload your certificate.
Point camera at the QR code on your paper certificate and open the suggested link in your browser.